The lizard, the drunk men and love..

Two beady eyes are staring at me as I eat the dessert. There is some new thing going on with the lizards, that as soon as I have a small bowl and spoon , I see the eyes looking at me, without moving. One, sometimes two. How the hell do they know? The lizard dung is on my papers, on the phone, on the computer sometimes. I am about to get up to take the bowl into the kitchen and I see the graceful brown head turn. What the hell.. let me put down the bowl and watch the lizard come and lick the remains. I am not unselfishly loving because I have a secret desire that that the Universe will reward me with the flexibility of the lizard as I feed it and clean the dung from all over the possessions. Selfish love is also a motivation too as I am grateful for the opportunity to do some good work with the medical outreach team. I know there is no making up for the bad things but the secret desire is there that things will balance out somehow. There is a rule that drunk peop...