Grating coconut early on a rainy Monday morning..

Alarm goes off and rain starts falling - Monday morning and I think what the hell, if I wake up late I can always make up for it later. Reality hits though because other men have woken up earlier and started working.. rain or no rain.. the garbage collectors will around by 7am.

First chore is to grate coconut on the old iron grater that has been around as long as I can remember.  There is a comfort in the familiar. Basin, backstep.. and rain is falling and some drops splashing on the step.. but the coconut will make milk anyway so it does not matter.

I am used to this. The comfort zone is nice. Using this to ground because I have to take on a small project which is needed 'asap' and I will be using things which I cannot learn asap but I will have to learn them. I do not know if I could grate coconut any other way.. has to be bar grater, back step and basin.

I think it would be a nice picture... to write the blog.. go and get the camera and then the battery done. I laugh.. because the purpose of the picture is to get attention to a blog which I would write and then I realise, take it easy... click bait is necessary , but knowing when to mark whether you are dependent on the clicks and likes and shares and the external validation which is a kind of loose connection without any energy or need for meaningful engagement with people..

Grating coconut as Grounding for the tasks for the day and wondering about the other thing .. the Groundings for Walter Rodney and the anxieties about that.. nervousness about how it would work, depression that there could have been different ways of engaging strangers,  discomfort of reaching out to strangers and thinking of when last I did something completely crazy and new which was not done before..

But I cannot grate coconut any other way.. the bar, back step, basin.. and I don't plan to try..  though there are other things to do today which are new, uncomfortable.

Rain has stopped. Sun is out..


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