The wet hibiscus bud and other possibilities..

I sent a tentative email to a loved one in the UK after the Brexit vote. Previous emails had gone unanswered over the last couple of years. Got a quick response  "It’s all a bit of leap into the great unknown. Life will go on, however… have a concert tonight and there is still food on the shelves. For the moment! "

The last couple of months have seen an escalation of negative changes which have impacted on my mental health and physical health.  The energy  of responding and adapting to the changes has not been easy to replace. The coping mechanisms and chemicals are no longer available.  I have choices to make every time in terms of how I decide to live well or wait on decay.

The hibiscus tree has almost died, and then come back. It will not last forever. The flowers bear now and then. Yesterday they were two , a rarity. The two are dead today as the flowers last one day only.  There are buds though, beginnings which bear into flowers which will die.  The tree overall though, has these flowers in different places.

And so , decision is to be like this hibiscus tree.. resilient until its time comes. Where there will be buds of possibilities to create good things, each action on its own probably irrelevant, but overall leaving the tree as a beautiful thing which could overcome some of the ugliness around the place.
My loved one will be making beautiful music  in a concert (5 hours different), while tonight I will be singing with the Ramyana gole (which is subjectively beautiful depending on the pitch of the baani we are singing).

The  body has developed resistance to the lotus position and a lot of anxiety has come over how the hell will I continue if I have lose this.

At some point though, there is acceptance as with other things, there are some things which have to be lost as Life goes on.. leaving space for other things in other places. Other buds.


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