Bibliographies on Race; and on Gender

These bibliographies were prepared by Dr Nigel Westmaas.

Dr Westmaas, Associate Professor of Africana Studies at Hamilton University.
He has worked on these Bibliographies since 2011.

Additions to the bibliography are welcome through email to toussaint2001us (at) yahoo (dot) com

Preliminary Bibliography of Women and Gender in Guyana (2011 to 2015)

This is a very general and incomplete bibliography of documents related to women and gender in Guyana over time. As far as possible, it takes an alphabetical and time-based chronology. Titles/topics are highlighted.

Preliminary Bibliography of Race and Race Relations in Guyana (2011 to 2015)

As indicated in the title this is a working, ongoing bibliography of documents on race and race
relations in Guyana over time. Bibliographic titles are not given in any particular order or
chronology except for that of author. There is a miscellaneous section for documents with no
specific author. While a few newspaper articles and newspaper columns on the topic are
provided, the bibliography by no means includes (or has access to) the hundreds of newspaper
articles, columns and letters on the topic of Race in Guyana. This should be considered a sample
of a huge bibliography.

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