The Coil: Human rights are not gifts from the majority to the minority

by Vidyaratha Kissoon The young man of Indian origins who dances said he would have had no problem dancing at the Inauguration/Independence celebrations if he had been asked. He thinks that other members of his troupe might have had difficulty since they believed the event was more APNU/politics rather than about national independence. They have been avoiding events since before the elections which were partisan designed as cultural. Some of the persons who talked about the inauguration celebrations made direct and passing references to ‘lack of ethnic diversity. One young man on social media noted that he “was saddened by, is that far less than 1% of the people that made up that 20,000+ crowd were East Indian. Sad why? Because they are reported to be the largest ethnic group in Guyana.” Another woman who could pass for East Indian and who campaigned for APNU+AFC wrote about ‘expecting at least to have seen a bit of me on the stage”, while other persons n...