Challenging God's will and not accepting elections results..

People vex and disappointed that I did not vote and some people tell me that regardless of how much I complain in future, they would not listen. Some grudgingly say 'okay, I respect your choice' and I tell them , good lord NO NO.. do not respect my choice, I cannot promise to respect your choices in life either.

In my mind valuing another person's humanity does not mean respecting their choices - I could understand why they make them but hell no, I do not have to respect them.

The Ramayana is one of the Hindu epics which ends up in a triumph of "good over evil".

The story roughly is that Ravana who was a great devotee of Lord Shiva ruled the world and his actions were evil, not dharmic.

The people prayed for deliverance and there was a promise that Rama would be manifested.  There was no immediate striking down of Ravana. The epic continues through a series of stories all of which are to reflect dharma in different aspects of Rama's trials as he set out to destroy Ravana in the end.

There are many different versions of the Ramayana.

In the Hindu tradition, God is Ravana and God is Rama and the journey is really for the qualities of Rama to triumph over the qualities of Ravana and how dharma prevails. Ravana who received 'boons' from Lord Shiva, did not survive because of the his opposition to dharma

The story includes the crafting and the disruption of Manthara's mind so she could ask Kaikeyi to get Rama's father to send him into exile, etc, etc.

I did not vote because I refuse to accept the lesser of two evils. I see a lot of people talking about 'we must accept the results of the elections once they are free and fair' and some religious statements which talk about peace being grounded on the fact that the results of free and fair elections are based on God's will through his people.

Thinking of yesterday.. God is Granger and God is McKoy and God is the people who want to beat up McKoy. God is the people burning the cars in Sophia and God is the people who own the cars and God is the people who will use the incident to be divisive and those who will try to find ways to restore the community.

The dharmic explanations are complex and in my head I hope that dharma prevails.

For the last 20 years or so, I have learned from many persons who are active for social justice never to accept the 'will of the majority' - God's people or not. The will of the majority which allows the beating of children in school, the sale of alcohol to parents who abuse their children, the violation of women , the oppression of those considered abnormal like the disabled or persons who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered.

I learn as well despite the efforts of many, to accept God's will/karma/destiny does not mean sitting still,  and I would like to think that I have not accepted the elections results of the last couple of years and I have no respect for no "office" which has no respect for people.

While I have not burned any cars or vehicles, I have thought of fire and what it would be like to burn all the alcohol and the  advertising, especially the sexist advertising  for the alcohol and find ways to use that alcohol to power street lights in places which do not have street lights. I wondered what it would be like for the rubbish people throw on the streets to go back into their yards and rooms and be burned right there. I have not been violent to anyone but I have wondered what it would be like of those who rape and assault others would get some permanent pain in the regions of their bodies which cause them to rape and assault others.

There are scripts playing out these last days.  I laughed at the Contradiction on my Facebook of one political operative thanking people for 'guarding the ballot boxes and protecting their vote' while another member of her party asking that the people allow the authorities to move the ballot boxes. It must be confusing to the supporters as to what exactly it means to guard ballot boxes.

But, because of my karma, I think of dharma. And as I recover from the constant shock and surprise of how people act in contradictory ways, I try to not hear the madness and just remember the various connections that I have with them . I think of the young smart man who kept talking of 'manipulation' and wondering what he has up his sleeves.

There were times, especially during the last three years when I thought that people had chance to vent on real issues rather than rumours and that the non-violent venting could help rather than this climactic kind of raging which happens after citizens vote.

So my karma, I am here, in Guyana, waiting for elections to be done,  not worried about the results, but more about whether there will be violence. 

I feel frustrated at the intense prayers for peace and calls for peace from those who were not so loud in calling  Bheri to Go (he never went as Sherlina experienced when she went to the Lusignan rally) and Anil to Go  and Marriott to stop build in favour of a University and hospitals and that there was money to pay staff so that poor people can be guaranteed high quality  health care and education.

I remember again dharma, people do what they feel they can do. People have their reasons for acting in ways they do.

Dharma requires adjustment to the circumstances and knowing that God is everything.

Dharma for me means rejecting the will of the majority when that will creates injustice.  Dharma for me is every citizen learning that their interests cannot triumph over the well being of others.


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