Reslience lessons from the yard..

The bird built its nest almost the same place that the previous nest was built. I was consumed by anxiety, what if the bird died, what would happen to the baby birds? One morning there was something looking like two embryos on the concrete. The mother bird comes back with food for the baby birds who are now growing. There are three in the nest and I have a feeling that one is bigger than others.

So birth, death, life all in the space  between floor and beams.. trying not to bad-eye the baby birds and also letting go of anxiety.

I have no green finger and I have lost the  battle with the 'garden' which needs work like so many other things. There are a lot of reasons for this and the energy in fighting with the garden and its owner is too much. Gardening could be creative I know from many persons who have gardens.

This lily though, I thought had died out. It has not flowered for a year. It takes a few days.. the bud appears, then it opens.. and stays open for a couple of days and then it dries up . It was a surprise to see the white flower again.

The moon is probably out. The conversations online and offline seem to be about the same things. Guyana is surreal with the mad hope of half the population coupled with the fear and disgust of the other half (roughly). A minibus conductor said .. the elections aint done yet.  
A recent conversation with a group of people, some of whom have been doing the work for years, had the same issues are coming up, but with different players.

It is a strange time, where creativity and energy are needed, there is no creativity and the energy is being used for day to day survival.

I keep promising myself to do at least one impossible project which would require intense work. It is strange how there are random thoughts of things to do in the head.. but that double effort is required, first to manifest the thoughts and ideas and to push aside the clouds which cover them, and then to find the energy to actually implement and not be consumed in success or failure.

First though, is taking the lessons from birds being birthed/dying before being born; and unexpected flowers.




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