Dear moon on 21st June, I am not my pain...
Dear moon on 21st June, The humidity and the heat are bearable even though it is rainy season and I am using the fan for the first time this year. They say today is the longest day of the year, before the days shorten and I wondered why I was feeling like the nights were not long enough when I saw you in the sky opposite the bright sun. For the first time this year too, I seem to have lost my battle with you as I start feeling as though I don't want to move or do anything and that the dark blanket which presses on my mind is not moving. Something is wrong this time moon , as the body pain is intense.. turning in bed to get up and the pain in the back pushes me onto the bed rather than off the bed, and the jaws and teeth are tense and sensitive from grinding and clenching all night. I know that the teeth are slowly pushing back, over riding and that while expensive teeth work will be reqired.. I want to keep the money to have some nice experiences , to hell with the teeth....