#doinglove after saying/thinking 'I love you'...

A week of reported deaths by suicide and well meaning people are affirming their ways of support and trying to be positive and to show love to people. I learned as I dealt with my own mental health issues and also offered support that 'doing love' is a different thing from saying 'I love you, God loves you, in case you think of killing yourself, think of all the people who love you, Prayers help, Let me pray for you" ..

Here is some ways of #doinglove which has worked for me and I think for others I have been in contact with who have been in need of support of one form or another..

#doinglove is the woman with the disability who reaches out to the man without any disabilities and who listens to him and who laughs with him and then never reminds him or makes him feel obligated or posts anything on facebook about how she been doing love..

#doinglove is about empathy, it is about the level of the person in crisis, accepting that they have valid feelings, communicating that understanding and then figuring out a way together.

#doinglove is keeping your positivity and joy in check, because the person on the receiving end who is feeling like crap might just be annoyed and irritated and overwhelmed and worse because they are not good like you and can't be like you and that they are bothering you..

#doinglove is the man offering to go to the doctor with the woman he does not know who is dealing with an unwanted pregnancy, dilemma about abortion and the breakup with the father, and who reaches out. Dealing with these alone. #doinglove is never reminding the woman about that time.

#doinglove is finding the phone numbers for the counsellors, offering to accompany the person in crisis to the counsellor and also if necessary, help finding money to pay for the counsellors In Guyana, it is still uncertain , who is a good counsellor.  I have recommended a man to a few people. Some have been helped, some have not been helped. I also push phone numbers and so.

#doinglove is looking at the number of the caller on the way home from work who used to shun me. #doinglove is answering the call, carrying on the conversation. #doinglove - love for self - is saying.. hey let us meet up , when realising that the phone call thing is not working out. #doinglove is being resigned to the resumption of shunning, to the lack of understanding of why the proposal to meet up #doinglove is also resolving not to block the phone number.

#doinglove is offering to go for a walk with people who tell you they not feel like going out. #doinglove is asking 'What can I help you with?"  , #doinglove is about understanding your own limitations and not being consumed by a person who needs help, and by mobilising more than one person if needed, and only giving out your number to 'call any time' if you are serious about answering the phone . #doinglove is not promising what you can't deliver, and also taking care of yourself  too. #doinglove is not sharing any loving you do in details on facebook to get likes and loves.

#doinglove  is being careful about not leaving alone, people who shout they want to be left alone.

#doinglove is never about saying 'go to therapy, go find help' - there is something we are not talking about that some of the recent celebrity suicides had access to quality mental health treatment.

#doinglove is about reading up about depression and understanding it, and not making your own judgements , and understand that it is not the temporary sadness which can be cured by watching comedies and listening to uplifting music or praying. Depressed people can smile, and be cheerful and sing lovely songs. Different people have different experiences.

#doinglove is about advocating for better mental health care, for better resources, for training to build capacity for those who want to help.

#doinglove is more difficult that saying 'I love you' and 'Let me give you a hug'.

The Guyana Inter-agency Suicide Helpline operates 24 hours, and is organised by the Guyana Police Force.

Telephone -223-0001, 223-0009, 223-0818

Cellphone – 600-7896 (toll free from Digicel phones), 623-4444

Email – guyagency@yahoo.com

Bbm pin – 2BE55649, 2BE56020

Twitter – @guyanaagency

Whatsapp – 592-600-7896 592-623-4444

The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation has a Psychiatric Clinic which operates on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

Referrals, some kinds of counselling, public education and awareness  are offered by the following :-

    Crossroad Suicide & Mental Health Awareness Services Tel : 231 4328
    Guyana Foundation – Tel – 276-3057
    Help & Shelter – 225-4731, 227-3454
    Roadside Baptist Skills Training Centre (Region 6) – 338-4215/4213

Mental Health Unit at Ministry of Public Health -
Director 226 1407, Admin 226 1416, Senior Psychologist 226 1405, Social workers 2261402, Receptionist 225 0804.


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