Sweating and breathing to manage the depression on a humid rainy day
The moon is moving and the b-complex tablets are working their magic and I am coping in a kind of way. The dark clouds are hovering and the body does not want to move. It is raining, but not so cool and humid. I am trying to avoid quarrels. The quarrel a week ago with a loved one who asked me to call is on my mind as I deal at the shunning which comes soon after the attempt to reach out. The sun isn't out, body is stiff. Surya namaskar requires a back which could bend forward. I start doing it though and then realise that sweat is coming out of my forearms, not normal for me. The body moves, stumbles clumsily as the balance is lost. I am celebrating a couple of things like some of the work done by students who had told me they could not do it. Rainy morning and I am feeling nice in the market without the umbrella. There is some metaphor perhaps that instead of shielding myself from the dark clouds, that I just walk under them, through them, with them. Market.. the shelt...