Breathing and ginger and mint tea to deal with the body pain..

Ginger and mint tea put in glass so I could a picture for the blog, and then poured back into the cup to drink

Wake up after a fairly okay night and neck shoulders jaw, mouth , hands, back, waist knees all in pain. I try to move and I wince, almost about to cry out but memories of how this pain is helps to hold back. I stumble to the toilet, and kind of hold up and try to get my mind around why the body , now .. after about three months or so of not hurting.. is just hurting.

Was it the additional ice cream on the weekend?  Did I overdo the sugar? and the dairy and the milk? Did the stress pile up and then the body just crumble?

But thinking also seems to generate more pain..
At some point I have gratitude - that I do not have a headache, and that I am not feeling as I did before, .. overwhelmed and wanting to go back and lie down and wait to die to end the pain.

I actually start planning how to try to deal with this.

I try to stretch and move around but the pain is there. I get through the morning chores. Eating is painful even the mouth and teeth seem sensitive and I move the food around my mouth and swallow without using teeth too much. Fortunately it is mushy passion fruit, and mushy oats.. nothing much to chew. Breathing deeply hurts too as even the ribs and chest muscles seem to hurt.

Body still hurting as I move up and down the steps.. moving as I feel as though I cannot move. It is the kind of pain where being still AND moving are both painful.

I contemplate two painkillers and I think, nah, nah.. hold off.. (is this the penis talking rather than the brain?) .. I could try and fix this...

I put in my head.. which can't move on the neck now.. that I will get the yoga routine done.. and also find time to breathe.. not so much ignoring the pain as accepting the pain and dealing with it.

And so I get into the poses.. hold them for the five breaths. Pain is there.. but not so much.. some poses cannot be held because the pain is too much. I surprise myself when I hold some for longer than I thought I would... I try to breathe deeply and not to think that I am breathing to get rid of the pain and also to focus on the breath and not on the things which I have to do and things which I wish I could do and the things which I said yes to which I could have said no to...

So Breathing deeply.. neck still hurting in parts.. but not so bad. Body stretches.. and I am glad .. that even after the routines.. there is pain, not as intense as before.. but there and I wonder if it makes sense.
Gratitude for the breeze that blows on the skin as it seems the brain redirects the nervous system away from the tense parts of the body.

Corpse pose and trying to do the breaths and feel the floor warmed by the sunshine below me and then realising that if I do this right, I should not even be feeling the floor.  So breathing and so and I am feeling hungry (oats in the morning is healthy and so and then you are hungry in a few hours).

Pain there still.. I have to kind of stumble to get up. I eat, do some other chores.. move around.. i hope there will be no headache and I think .. go and take the damn painkillers if the pains still there.

But I  make the tea. fiddle with the tea and the glass to get the picture and then decide to sip it while writing.

Most of the pain is gone.

This reality that I will not be as productive or as busy as I used to be as I have to constantly stop and deal with things is gradually becoming acceptable. The penis gets in the way sometimes and I curse that I have to stop so long and deal with body pains and dark clouds and so on. But not as often.

The yoga probably does not work immediately, or probably not at all ..  the stressors are still there and I have to work on them.


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