Learning from the young...

The young man at the white board used the marker to draw some diagrams to explain the networking he was showing the group. I was in the group of people learning for the first time.

The young man teaching me and the others had not been born when I graduated with the degree in Computer Science.

It was one of those random moments when I have been relieved to sit back and be taught though I think this is the first time I more than twice the age of the teacher. 

In another session on a day in which I was tired.. I had to demonstrate the OpenShot video editor which I had used to do some amateur videos. I was not familiar with all features.
At some point, as fatigue set in, I realised again that younger people in the class were available to provide some guidance and I learned a few things which I did not know before.

I know that for some things I have been asked to 'teach', I have had to learn quickly before teaching building on foundations. I forgot though, that there are young people doing the same, and at a faster rate and I am hopeful that many of them would be willing to share their knowledge when asked.

So I could tek a rest now and then.


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