Student, teacher, carpenter, labourer, sales rep - People's Parliament
The law student looked at me as though I was mad when I asked him if he would come spend a few minutes at the People's Parliament. We were talking about law and so on and rights. But this is not how he imagines public discussion about rights. The carpenter said that he passed plenty times but never stopped. He said is a good thing to have this thing where people talk. He finds that Guyanese are not proud of their country like how Jamaicans and Trinidadians are. He said that this race thing got to stop.. he is mixed race and he learns from everybody. He says that we need each other - he said that as a carpenter he could look down on the labourers who work on his worksite, but then the carpenter would not do the labourer work. He has a lil cough though, so he going home. He cannot stay on. He did not want to be recorded. The teacher is young. He pass and then stops. He teaches at one of the problem schools - he has been a teacher for 7 years. He does not have to beat chi...