what de rass you depressed about?

Two guys this week asked how things .. and when I told them, I got the kind of shocked question and reaction which implies that there is nothing for me to be depressed about.

I agree.. there is nothing for me to be depressed about. However, I have to manage the depression which creeps up from time to time. Sometimes it is easy to do, sometimes it is not.

Masking depression is often easy to do. Sometimes it is not. Sometimes the masking leads to more feelings of anger and failure that I am not being honest and just pretending. Or when I do talk and get a reaction, I feel I should not be imposing my miserable self on people - that is not mannerly.  It might be easy to say to avoid people.

Coping mechanisms do work but sometimes, they do not. The important thing is to realise what is happening and to do healthy things to manage the feelings and the mind. Don't indulge in the sweet or the crunchy snacks.  Avoid people who seem noisy and loud. Go and feel the heat of the sun somehow. Get up when you feel like sitting down or lying down. Move.  Do not fight or fall into the spiral. Things will be slow, so slow down and then when the heaviness passes move on to doing other things.

Depression affects many people in different ways. Knowing what is happening is important. Making a decision on how you want to manage it is important.
Not masking it is also important.

The instinctive reaction to the question posed above is to go on with the conversation as though everything is 'normal'. That might work some times, that might not work - often depends on what you need to keep in touch with people around you and with what you want to achieve for your well being.


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