"being at the centre of the flower" - Notes from the conversation about domestic violence
"I put myself in the centre of the flower, because I know I have to care for myself before worrying about others.." the woman said. "Healing through understanding self"was the theme of the sixth conversation about preventing domestic violence. The conversation was held virtually on Thursday 27 August, 2020. The conversation was led by Dr Janice M Jackson. The moderator was Carlotta Boodie-Walcott. We were talking about the flower exercise. The flower exercise is one of the self-analysis tools which were shared by Dr Jackson . These notes reflect some of the thoughts shared in the conversation. "Dim the noises in your head, unclutter your mind of all the expectations" We talked about the different messages which come from different places, and how the negative messages are heard more often then positive ones. One woman shared " Sometimes highlighting the positives are seen as exalting oneself and therefore it affects your ability to share the...