Daphney and Adriana in the Dutch Series Guyana
27 January, 1813. The Essequebo and Demerary Gazette of 27 January, 1813 has a notice from Cathrine Oxley. She is looking for a well known "Negro Woman" of the Ganga nation. People are asked to deliver Daphney to the 'undersigned' or to the colony jail. Where did Daphney go? She was famous - why was she well known? Did her fame make her a target for the people to catch her? Did Daphney inspire others to 'absent themselves' from the slave owners? In another edition of the gazett e , John Willouhby is offering a reward for Adriana . She "belonged" formerly to a Reverend . There is a list published in some editions of the Gazette of the "Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the Colony Jail" On the 8th January, 1813 , the list includes Amelia and Margereth. These notices are published between notices talking about sale of imported claret, and "superfine baltimore flour", and pickled beef and pork and fashionable hanging...