The joy of water falling freely all over the skin...

"It arite now, you discharge' the nurse told me and I exhaled and all I could think about was standing under the shower for a long time and let the water flow all over without having to worry about bandages getting wet.

It has been a month of bandages and of bending and twisting under the shower, and avoiding sweating too much or trying to stop the sweat from getting near the bandages.  It has been a month of new care giving duties as well and I know that the patient used to like water falling on his skin but cannot get it.

They told me that I should have a 'sponge bath' to avoid the area from getting damp. I said to hell with it, because I realise as life changes rapidly and so many things I cannot do any more.. that I will enjoy what I can.

The water feels good on the skin. I can imagine that somethings are washed away. Not everything though.

And so the relief.. water, (thanks GWI for the nice water pressure) , soap, water, scrubbing skin all over like I haven't bathed in a long time., soaping, water and not wanting to dry the skin really.

Gratitude though, more than triumph in a way. Water has been destructive in many places. Many people have limited access to water for showers and baths. Many people cannot stand or sit under falling water any more.

Things change, pleasures are in the moment. Turning off the tap, drying the skin.

Thinking of how now I should find ways to work up the sweat, and sweat freely without worrying about bandages or keeping skin dry.

Until I can no longer enjoy the feel of water falling freely all over my skin.


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