The Coil: “Straight/Heterosexual/Normal man is charged for murder of a sex worker“?
Vidyaratha Kissoon “Help me hey, what dis mean” the man at the ATM asked. Pay day and it seemed that his wages had not been transferred to his account. He asked me to try again. He checked his balance – $237. He looked uncertain. He had no way to call the employers to find out as it was after 4pm. Man probably had bills to pay, things to buy and between the bank and the employers, the wages not there, and nobody to ask when the wages would be there in his account. Taxi man earlier in the day said he not making his weekly payments to the base. Money not circulating. He working longer hours and not making it. Another taxi man had the placard he held last week outside the Minister Ramjattan’s office. He says he has been dealing with police harassment since 201 2 when his daughter was hit down on the road by a police officer. He has a documented set of incidents of the harassment. Woke up Friday morning and grateful that the Hyrdomet office was ...