Groundings on fornication, sin, marriage. gay marriage near parliament - 10 July, 2015

The woman said that it was not easy, the separation. It had been 29 years of marriage, she had invested everything and worked at it, but it failed. She picked the last book - well I encouraged her to take it - a little  because I did not want to fetch home any books but more because I think she used to read and had stopped reading and had not talked about reading for a long time.

We gaffed a bit about the loss of dreams and what might have been.  She was trying to find back herself , it had been so long she said.

People kept looking for books for their children. "Not for me, I don't read much" But your children would not read if you are not reading!

The groundings this time with the Free Books, Free Magazines was near the People's Parliament and the topic "Why marry?" with the subversive agenda to impose homosexuality and gay marriage on the Guyanese reading nation so that the future of human kind will die out and so.

 A lot of people think marriage is a good thing - "ordained by God".

One man said that 'we are devil' because we not married and we fornicating. Another woman said no sex before marriage. She said  she fornicates . I asked her "do you beg for forgiveness after" (thinking of a sin I am committing), but she said not yet, she not ready...

A lot of people say gay marriage, NO WAY.  (We did not ask about gay sex)..  and quoted scripture as the basis. (Never mind the fornication bits )

People passed and looked at us strangely.  Some passed, looked back and came back.
Others laughed at the question "Why marry?". One woman who is currently separated said is a good thing, but people do not make it good.

A Muslim man said he has been happily married for many years. Marriage is a good thing, procreation. "When you drop sperm, don't you see ants coming on it?" (I wanted to say er.. drop sperm where, how ,, and wouldn't this be a sign of diabetes?)

Some of the youngsters from Carnegie said yes, Marriage is a good thing. One girl though, said.. that she will wait as long as possible though.

Fidel Captain came with some copies of his book to share out.

The corner was not busy. It looked like I would have books and magazines to take home.  I stayed on a bit longer. It was interesting how people just passed without inquiry. Nothing comes free in life they probably thought. Some people said they did not like to read. One or two people stopped and talked but did not take books.

The man from the army who gaffed with me long last August , came up. He said he was at medical school now. We laughed at how time had flown but yet we meet up almost at the same place. We did not talk about marriage because I was fed up talking about marriage but we talked about school and so.

He remembered the newspaper boxes from the last time and said to keep it up.


  1. Lol'd at '"Why marry?" with the subversive agenda to impose homosexuality and gay marriage on the Guyanese reading nation so that the future of human kind will die out and so.'

  2. and not forgetting the man that said Adam and Eve were not marry so living home not so big deal


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