Salutations with effort..

It is one of those mornings when thoughts and triggers are all over. The surya namaskar - sun salutation - is a good practice, but some times even that is difficult as instead of focussing on the moves and the breath.. there are lengthy pauses between each cycle with thoughts racing. So some days, it takes longer to do. Large gaps of mind wandering with what ifs, and why's and wondering whether I should continue and fighting those thoughts even as I stand with hands clasped in pranamasana facing the East and conscious that time is passing and it is so easy to become immersed and immobilised . A certain irony because I have a lot to do even as I question why I am doing this 'lot' of things. The kidney stones prevent the back from stretching so the knees are out of reach of the head. Yoga is good for the body, but wellness.. is a mix of mind and body. So I try to shift the thoughts, to the here and now and to think of the breakfast ahead and the coffee and ...