Seeking serotonin..

The mangoes were sweet and provided the sugar rush. The night for some reason was rough. The signs again the morning that the clouds which were gathering were going to need energy to work through.

A normal exercise routine, a few extra rounds of the surya namaskar. Movement they say helps with the serotonin.
The email does not come with the instructions for the planned work so the day is thrown out. What is plan B. Meanwhile, other thoughts and limited concentration .. two things happening.. things to do, things to plan which require some thought, reading stuff, and the time passes.

At some point, tea. Sugar is needed but there is no sugar. Then writing some things down. Then some chats and there is the nervousness in case you say the wrong thing.

There are things to read and while reading , a feeling of guilt and frustration that the tasks are not being done.

The meeting goes well. The sun is nice. There is a run home from school as well to give some serotonin.

Craving pastries.. chinese cake, pinetart. Thinking of going to the shop.. and knowing that this is not good.

Thinking of the yoga to be done and thinking I will not do it.

Get into the first posture of the routine. Spend too long thinking that I should stop and just go sit down. Thinking of Nedd's Salara and maybe walking down and getting some.  I fight and get into the next asana  and the next one and then I realise there is nothing I can do about the day which has passed.

The breaths seem to work. I go downstairs and see a mango with a bird bite. I eat it in the evening.

Day done. Nothing done. I never know.. when productivity will be affected. But I did not indulge. Something I feel good about.
I know the day is done. Nothing much happened.


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