12 stupidness 'bout Facebook

 Dis Facebook ting is nuff stupidness. I sign up fuh laff and den all of a sudden dis ting is nah suh much laff laff.. ting really complicated an' now I gat a whole set of manners and ting I does use.

  1. I aint worryin' wid privacy so everyting is public. Out dere. Yeah.. just suh. Excep; dat I now have to careful what I write an; say an' cussin up is not de same.
  2. I got 1500 frenz. Yeah.. dat is nuff. I aint know most ah dem and some ah dem does pass me straight straight when I deh pun de road. I does wan fuh know whuh fuh do bout dat.  I does try fuh not frenz any and everybody but it nah suh easy .
  3. Dis luv luv ting. I unfrenz two ah meh loved onez to stay out ah deh way. I used to find mehself meking stupid comment an' ting .. ah mean, okay if ah was a drinkin' man was like if ah turn up at a wake house or party and ah deh talking stupidness loud loud so dat dey could notice yuh.  An I keeping track of ting like letting go when ah seh.. okay, today I aint look fuh dem pun facebook.. but den de blasted mutual friend ting and den you see dat dey pitchuh come up nice nice right deh pun yuh screen.
  4. Dey have one or two people who I friken on meh facebook frenz list. Dem is well connected people and dem very bright an' suh . Den dey have followers. 
  5. I aint know how i get so fass. (inquisitive).  I does deh creeping frenz of frenz and ex-frenz and going 'eh eh'.. but i nevah know so and so know so and so and den sometimes i does remembuh is tru' me dat dey know each odder.
  6. I does deh checking fuh see who like comment and status because i does be friken i liking ting which some of my unfrenz liking. 
  7. I does have ot be careful dat i doan get into no lang lang conversation and thread and dem ting instead of doing meh wuk. I had to tek off de internet a couple time suh ah could do meh wuk
  8. I does deh tinking ting and seeing ting and composing facebook status update in meh head. dis does happen any place.. minibus, pun de road, in meh bed, in de toilet. 
  9. I does post ting an wait fuh see whuh happen an I does wan fuh know is how people doan like me deep and meaningful status update, but nuff people does like when ah post ting like selfie an suh. So now i wondering if ah must post me deep and meaningful ting wid a stupidy selfie. An now when ah posing fuh pictchuh, ah does wanduh whuh people pun facebook gun seh when dey see it.
  10. I is anti social and would nevah go noway wid more dan 3 people much less 1500 people. But de ting bout Facebook is dat I could deh in a place an be like a jumbie. I like dat bout facebook.
  11. I hear facebook is fuh ol' people now. Good, i glad.. but some ah dem big people behaving like lil chirren.
  12. I does jump when I see nice nice people cuss pun facebook even though in real life dey dont talk suh.
What stupidness yall have bout Facebook?


  1. Hilarious! The Creolese gives it the extra zing! You hit the nail pun de head, dey, bhai! Somebody on FB likes to say, "I am Vidyaratha Kissoon!"; well, today, I am Vidyaratha Kissoon! :D

  2. bannas ur crazy.. i was reading laughing n crying lol all at d same time

  3. oh mi gash! I love it! Permission to share!!!

  4. Very revealing Vidya!


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