Red road and blue-green lizards..
The road is never ending. Styrofoam, plastic bottles, coke cans, carib bottles, coke bottles some with zero sugar are indicators of Guyana's development. We are now avid consumers and we can throw away anywhere. The dhal at Peter and Ruth comes in a small plastic cup - I guess it is either a throw away plastic cup or water to wash cups which can be reused. The dust rises in places where the road is not wet. There are butterflies, blue, white, yellow. Sometimes, there are flashes of bright blue and green or blue green as lizards dart across the road. We see animals darting across, two monkeys, then a powis, one or two birds, flashes of red as the red backed agouti come out and run back in, looking confused and frightened. I feel ashamed really, that this road is needed for human progress... massive safaris of trucks lorries, four by fours, minibuses, taxis, big buses , this thing called progress which leaves rubbish on the forest which no one will clean up. And frightened animals....