Hustling ecstasy/mally on breezy morning in Georgetown..
DMTrott [ CC BY-SA 4.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons Breeze Sun is out. December breezes cooling Kingston, not far from the Police Headquarters at Eve Leary. I am standing looking around waiting for a woman to collect a book from me. "Excuse me.. I aint see you a long time man, like you went to the States" Man in his mid thirties. Cap. Low beard, lightly trimmed. Belly big like mine. Comfortable tee shirt - like mine. Faded. Jeans, Boots. I wait for the next line about wanting a help. And say "Nah man, I went and get deport" Man smiles. Looks me in the eyes. Nice demeanour "I checking to see if you want any pills or so... mally..ecstasy " I not sure what to say. The woman comes up to collect the book. I mutter something about the street and the wrong street. She takes the book. I feel weird. I see the man tell a woman in a car to hold on, but the woman seems to ignore him. I remember a conversation with some community activists in...