Groundings day 2
Photo from Sherlina Nageer The man who sold dog food came and offered a bag to lay the books on for people to pick up and read. This was the second Groundings - Lina came with Rumi, Audre Lorde and bell hooks.. I came with the same bell hooks to swap. The books were laid out in a tight corner because the police outpost had moved and the barricades seemed to be close to the edge of the passage for the minibuses and cars. Two men came up , one had not heard about Audre Lorde. Many others passed. We had the free books sign. One man passed.. and then turned back and came and picked up the book of short stories. A girl took the colourful diary with the quotations after reading one or two of them aloud. The Sun was Hot. Another man picked up another book and one of the leaflets about 'Coming Out'. We had intentions to have people talk about what we were reading but that was a busy corner where people do not stop to talk.. in fact as we realised, there are few places in Guy...