handling the allegations
Guyana is excited a week now, well a part of Guyana anyway after various media houses reported that there was a taped recording of one of the Commissioners on the Rights of the Child Commission, Mr Kwame McKoy who is talking to someone who is supposed to be a 15 year old boy called Julius and it seems to be making sexual advances. Mr McKoy has denied that his voice is on the tape and has subsequently obtained injuctions preventing several media houses from airing the tape. He has also made a report to the police about the fabrication. On Monday I was asked for my comments by Kaieteur News and I said I had no comment pending the allegations. I have not heard the tape nor do I have any interest in listening to it since I can make no judgement about whether the voice is Mr McKoy's voice. It is of no surprise that amongst the people who have listened to all or part of the tape, many believe it is his voice, some do not believe it is his voice (and both of these groups because th...