Wanted : PhD in Donkey Studies

I am a self serving jackass, at least that is what a man told me Wednesday night and then called me on Thursday night to apologise for calling me a jackass before calling me a jackass again.
Allan Fenty this week writes about the jackass in Georgetown who looking on at Guyana and its goings ons and trying to figure out what the jackass really think.

Stabroek News had this nice picture of two donkeys in a bus shed  on Wednesday 23 September .

Next thing we get is this fascinating letter from Randy Persaud, sometimes Dr Randy Persaud who we hear is an advisor to the President . The letter accused Stabroek News of all kind of underhand donkey things and I read the letter to say that the Government have plenty people who could analyse donkey business and jackasses. And that they have people schooled in semiotics which I learn is something about symbols . I wonder if a jackass did kick Dr Persaud and the other people in the government who are ready to kick up to  do a discourse analysis of Stabroek News recent discourse of donkeys.

I know I am scared of jackasses, that they might bite me or kick me. Jackasses sometimes intimidate me. So I want to do my own analysis .. that maybe Stabroek News showing the donkeys to show strength and hardwork or showing how they could kick even those who they supposed to like.

Jackasses have been know to turn on people they once liked. 

In the minibus though, the conversations I overhear.. nothing have to do with donkeys or with big men allegedly hussling lil boys over the phone. The conversations I hear had to do with going home from work and where we going today or which police hassling the driver.

I probably need a PhD before I could understand why these donkeys bother the good doctor so . I wonder how many people in our Government have experience with jackasses and if poor Dr Persaud maybe had enough with the donkeys which are all over the place in Guyana.


  1. Brilliant humour...this is local satire at its consummate best. Thanks for a roaring good laugh after coming home tired from a long friday.

  2. The doctor meets with jackasses all the time, he returned to be amongst them.

  3. Which jackass are you talking about? the good doctor? lmfao

  4. FB are not real friendships, but read all your posts. keep 'em coming! love the humour, the honesty, and the thinking process. may not agree with everything you say, but each one , teach one.


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