
Pink grapefruit blessings..

 Pink grapefruit  "Dem is one fuh 200, 3 for 500, dem is One for hundred" the man shouted at me in the market after I stopped and looked at the two baskets of pink grapefruit. I started picking up the smaller onesit to feel them , he continued 'three for two hundred'  Different sizes, some have the pale yellow skins , others the green skin with splotches of pink.  Teeth and so been giving me some issues and I wonder if something is wrong because in this oil and gas , climate changed economy is rare to find citrus going 'cheap'  and some are not juicy or not 'sweet'   I feeling to see if anything wrong, fingers working the fruit while mind going through all kind of things that .. dis can't be true.. I wonder if exxon people reject them and send them back, or if is Brazillian extras the man get.. or is it stolen property and the man hustling to sell off before police come .. (There was another man who used to sell ortanique cheaper than everybody els

Going into the unknown at the Indigenous Heritage Exhibtion 2024

 (The Moving Circle of Artists' work is presented in the 2024 Indigenous Heritage Exhibition at Castellani House until 30 September, 2024. ) There was no print catalogue available. The QR code image was around, but I did not have the technology to use the QR code even with assistance of the attendants. I hope the organisers will put labels on the work items for viewers who cannot access the QR code. I apologise to the artists whose work I reference without the proper attributions Going into the unknown Place hot and I feeling a lil jumpy despite the yoga routine earlier in the day. Some unexpected challenges which pile up and then come in to chill out in the gallery and find that I have to do guess work on the art and so. Switch my mind, thinking yeah, go into the unknown.  NO titles to guide you.  Friends on social media had shared pictures of some of the most striking pieces so there is a familiarity in a way. And a helpful attendant shows the PDF on his phone to check prices

Yoga of sweet potato, peanut butter , coconut milk dressing..

Sweet potato One of the sweet potato has sprouts coming out and I say right, come on man, get going, do the thing the   recipe which came through on social media. I could plant the sweet potato, but my hand got blight so best to eat. I chip up the shoot to add in the salad as a woman I know uses the leaves to make bhaji. The other salad thing I use is celery - luxury in these oil and gas times, instead of the curry leaves. And I forgot the chilli and didn't worry with mint, substitute eschallot for green onions.   Coconut milk Sunday morning and first thing I do is grate the coconut. I cannot imagine a coconut milk dressing as coconut milk seems too thin. So I say right, will put in fridge, then let cream rise and use that. And garlic on my mind as people telling me how to use garlic to get rid of the wind which seemed to have moved to the chest. I can't find the nice round limes which give the best tasting juice and fragrance.. nine limes for two hundred dollars of the limes w

Guyanese people in a garden

  Guyanese people/People from Guyana  Man sends me a socialist propaganda film from Guyana 1972 and I was like hang on a minute, where the coolie and the Indigenous and other people in it?  The film maker might only have had access to descendants of the enslaved Africans ,and it was only at the end that there were some children who could be descendants of immigrants from India. I am racial like that when hearing 'Guyana' and people from 'Guyana' and so and looking to see who look they descended from where or mixed up, and counting.  Sometimes I count gender representation first.  When I see the things about 'You know you is Guyanese when.. ' and nuff of the things don't apply to me.  But in this day and age, with AI , I check to see if 50 years later, how has the data from the digitised images and stories about Guyana fed into the AI Image generation  I try the freebie Microsoft AI Generato r  AI Imaginations And the prompt People from Guyana in the gard

Prejudice, principles of the minibus driver and public art in Guyana 2024

  Principles  "I aint want you tell me nutting about de music' the driver of the minibus which was about one third full said as he drove past me when I signaled  I would like to jump in. Rain set up, market bags heavy. Music aint too loud and front seat empty. I was prepared to psychologically block my ears if the driver had raised the music. But the bus man had strong principles, and he aint taking no passenger who going against his principles.. the loud dutty music with the sexist lyrics is worth more than my $100 Many of us let the buses pass when we realise the music loud and so, and now of course the buses also filter screen out passengers according to their principles. Prejudice So this filtering out and so, even though there might have been an opportunity for some dialogue. But..bus man holding on.. Principles on my mind this week as Winslow Craig's sculpture which has been in development since 2016 seems to have found a place  in the public.  Well at least a part o

The spider which drew me in..

  Spider Go down in the yard , wondering if I should so something about the banana suckers which springing up all over, in my mind some story to spread them out and then others saying lef them  and then I look between the broad green leaves and see the large delicate web.   In the middle, the black and gold/yellow spider being very still.  I have not seen one of these before and I realise that I have not seen spiders for awhile in the yard or the house (maybe the lizards? ). And so I try to move under the banana leaves, in between them so as not to disturb the web and to check out the spider. And I check it every day that I go down. Other animals might move when they sense 'humans' but in the hot afternoon, the spider is still.  Bokeh I fiddle with camera, reading out about bokeh and trying to understand how I could catch cobweb on an image with the spider on it, much as I suspect the spider has me caught in a way.  I check for it every time I go downstairs, is like something

Finding the crunchy sweet in the mango..

Finding...  "That tree look like it need lil help".. the woman tells me politely about the turpentine mango tree which had a lot of blossoms but now covered with the thick bird vine. I was waiting on the last mango which was kind of bright red hanging, smaller than usual, to fall. But one day it was not there on the tree or on the ground near the tree.   Tree might have to trim deep but with news of how mango tree helping with air pollution and so on , I want to leave it right there, but then I might end up with a dead tree with bird vine which nobody eating. The other tree had plenty blossoms too but not much fruit, and people had come to ask for 'green mango'.. this is a strange tree where the mango taste nice turnin' and green and make nice achar and so but ripe, is not even close to buxton spice. But is a day when I sit down and realise that even though I is a big man, earning my own money, and the ice cream trolley them passing up and down and I could buy o