
Showing posts from August, 2022

Gift of genip in the August moon...

  August Moon Music is loud and I come out on the road to see if I can find the source. Realise that is the neighbour who sometimes play loud music and sometimes are quiet. They are raising and lowering the volume. I stand on the bridge and look east and up and see the orange Full moon, rising.  Watching the full moon rise while breathing to calm down in anticipation of doing what I have never had to do before.. go ask people to turn down their music. They get bored with the loud music though and keep it normal. Full moon probably affecting them too.  Day had an unexpected though anticipated duty of care which disrupted the planned flow. Some care is easier to give than others as the issues is not the care, but the negotiation to ensure that there is efficiency and to give out good energy even  when the  moon creates other vibrations.  I laugh at myself though, the irony of the Universe.  Saturday at the market I buy a handful of genip. Man has not be...

Two romance, poems and pepper plants - Groundings 7 August, 2022

  Two romance   "Choose two nice romance fuh meh nah, my daughter ask me to get two " the woman asked.  She had her phone in one hand, a children's book in the other. She didn't read but her children did.  We looked at a few which were there and might have been romance, she took three.  Another young woman wanted 'love stories'. There was a Mills and Boon. She had not heard of Mills and Boon. She knew of Harlequin  She took the Mills and Boons and a few others which looked like 'morbid love". The strange rain pattern the last two months delayed the return of face to face street groundings - masked and santised - in Georgetown. There were books, and a desire to resume random connections with strangers.  The Almond Tree Coop said yes, we could use their Flea Market which was indoors. I packed cloth. While there was a nice floor, I did not think we could put things on the ground as we normally do. I turned the boxes over, spread the cloth.  No...

Microwave kanki/conkie, Blackness and Emancipation 2022...

    "What is dat?" the 16 year old asks me when I tell him the holiday is for Emancipation. He moves between two houses on the East Coast and in Georgetown. Descendant of enslaved Africans and indentured Indians, he often tells me about skin care, hair care, Youtube videos, wanting to do art, going to two churches and lessons.  He doesn't recall Emancipation. Maybe because Emancipation falls in the school holidays, so he would not see it. I try to explain, but he does not seem to care much. He is more animated explaining to me why I should not bathe two times a day - preserve the natural oil on the skin. Emancipation Delight I can't blame him though.  I have reduced Emancipation to the possibility of kanki (or conkie), various types of pone and other foods, and watching people wearing 'African' clothes.  Emancipation Delights are on sale at a food place not far from me. I walk down the road, stumbling on the uneven pavement, walking around the parked vehicles....