Gift of genip in the August moon...

August Moon Music is loud and I come out on the road to see if I can find the source. Realise that is the neighbour who sometimes play loud music and sometimes are quiet. They are raising and lowering the volume. I stand on the bridge and look east and up and see the orange Full moon, rising. Watching the full moon rise while breathing to calm down in anticipation of doing what I have never had to do before.. go ask people to turn down their music. They get bored with the loud music though and keep it normal. Full moon probably affecting them too. Day had an unexpected though anticipated duty of care which disrupted the planned flow. Some care is easier to give than others as the issues is not the care, but the negotiation to ensure that there is efficiency and to give out good energy even when the moon creates other vibrations. I laugh at myself though, the irony of the Universe. Saturday at the market I buy a handful of genip. Man has not be...