Ganja smoke and looking for Romance, Murder and the Tanakh - Groundings 21 May 2022
Ganja smoke The smell is familiar , heavy wafting over use like some kind of blessing over the random interactions of books and poems. We are next to a man wearing dirty brownish three quarter length pants and not wearing shoes or not wearing shirt but wearing a smile on his face. He leans sometimes against one of the concrete poles holding up the roof sheltering him and us. I look over and see him put the yellow lighter - bright on the grey day and against the greenish brownish pant.. back in the pocket. The colour of the joint is similar to the colour of the pants. Slight flame at the end. He ignores us except for when he asked for a $100 with the joint in his mouth and I told him nah after giving another man who was barefoot and who explained the calculation of his age to us and was going to repeat it so I gave that man the $100 to move on. Maybe his joint was hidden in the calculations The man with the joint leaned against the iron post and continued to ignore us...