12 lessons after 1212 blog posts over 12 years..


This is the Twelve Thousand and Twelfth post on this blog which was launched 12 years ago today and I have no idea what to write but feel like I should write something to make the post in the way of 12 12 12 thing.

The first post has 172 hits since them and most of the other posts have less than a 50 hits but this one about a Minister and this one - a speech- and this one about Turpentine mango were read more than five thousand times each.

I wrote about Why I write/blog in 2011. And anniversaries are no reason to write really.. but a good time to write here about some of the lessons - 12 to match the anniversary I picked up along the way.


Lesson 1: Write when you can't speak

Lesson 2: Write when you want to talk too much and need to be clear, concise.

Lesson 3: Write when you have things to write about. Get things off your chest.

Lesson 4: Write when you think you have nothing to write about. Take pictures and write about them.

Lesson 5: Write as though nobody will read. Don't hold back, let the words flow

Lesson 6: Write, while thinking about the readers. Check the sentences, the number of words.

Lesson 7: Writing is good for you. It is therapeutic.

Lesson 8: Writing can be bad for you. People might be offended and then not give you work and so.

Lesson 9: Write by hand sometimes. To keep the fingers nimble away from the keyboard. To slow down.

Lesson 10: Write, and forget about it. Don't go back, don't look back.

Lesson 11: Write and go back and check and correct and update.

Lesson 12: Learn to write. Learn to write, experiment , get feedback. Enjoy

Photo by wisconsinpictures on Unsplash


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