Why do I write/blog?

The man on Facebook asked a question which I have been asking myself "why do you write/blog? And to which public is your work directed to ? To a select few or free access to the general population ?"

When I first started, I had written Not another blog - and said that 

"I am nervous about this blogging thing. I do not read many other blogs but I like browsing some of them.  Some people have liked the thinkg I have written, others have said I need to learn how to write while others have called the things nonsense. The feedback is good.

I am blogging too because I want to be able to write and to practice writing and to be coherent. Writing is a good way to settle and organise thoughts."
Two years later though, I am thinking of what this blogging has done. I have a far away to go to write 'well' and many times the coherence is an issue. One woman did tell me that I should write, then wait, then publish - so as to ensure that the thoughts are organised and put down well.

I like that I have to own my thoughts - so that means that I cannot cuss up as I want to and I have censored myself- deleted some things after publishing because it might not look good.

Who am I Writing for?
In 1997, Andaiye asked me to write a piece on domestic violence in her column in Stabroek News. I wrote the column. The Monday afterwards , a woman came to Help & Shelter with the column cut out and said she wanted to meet the person who wrote it because she saw herself in the story. I remember the woman sitting with the paper curled up in her hand. I was shocked at the impact of what I had written. I never thought I was writing for her - I thought I was writing for a public that had no interest in domestic violence. More recently, I wrote this letter to plead with organisations who support the Government - all of which ignored the letter of course. But I got a call from a young journalist who said that he agreed with what I said and felt his own powerlessness and wanted to do something about it. And a man who has a  public position against my own on not beating children or on equal rights for LGBT people - said to me.. 'good letter.. you are right, we should speak up.. ' . And the blog supporting the Government called me a child molester, etc.
So.. I write on this blog for a public who I do not know. I write for myself, to get things out, and I write hoping that others who are thinking of the same things, even differently, would also find ways of writing and speaking out. A week ago, a woman from NIS told me she read the letter which Mr Kissoon (no relative) cuss me up about and she was glad that people speaking out. So.. yeah, I write so I could get that nice warm fuzzy feeling which comes when people take notice.. even when they cussing me up.

I write for my wellness ..
I never expected to talk about my mental health. But one morning, I thought to hell with it, and wrote this one Thinking of my insanity and others tagged wellness generated some responses from people who also deal with mental health issues, including offers of support, encouragement, shared testimonies and others who have said that they need to do the same thing.

I write because there are things which I feel that I cannot keep inside of me.
Some days I write two blogs which nobody would read (Google stats), but the stuff is out there, out of my head.

I write because people ask me questions..
People ask me things and I get to thinking.. and the answers are complex. So this post is one. The others include those like  handling the allegations against Mr McKoy ; the one laptop project; domestic violence; on whether or not  I am trans  You deleted me? and this popular one Why I still deh hey...

I write because people do not listen to me..
Some of the things I write are the advice I give to people which they do not want. So I write things like  I do not want to be so liberated..  and To the young PPP supporter ... .  The PPP supporter has since left the PPP, which was not my intention.. but..

I write because I read..

I wish I could read more and read widely. I wanted to develop the habit if rigorous reading and be able to write critically.. so there are a few book reviews here. I hope I could do better with this.

I write because I cannot speak..
I write on this blog after things have happened, after I have been in situations where I could not filter my reason through anger and rage and could not speak out. Posts like Beef, alcohol and homosexuality... and God, Obeah an' Family Secrets

I write because others have read and are reading..
Some people have liked posts on this blog, shared the links, commented on them. Not a lot of people .. some people have said that I should write a book or write a column - thing is , that requires a kind of dedication of which I am not capable. I was reminded of this piece from a long time ago.. Sanity.. and sometimes I wonder if I am still pushing those kinds of boundaries as I used to.  When I write, I browse to see how many have read, and who is reading. Sometimes I am disappointed that I do not get the feedback I expect, but many times I am surprised and glad. Sometimes I write when I have 'better' things to do, sometimes I write when I have nothing better to do. I hope others keep writing too.


  1. Well penned and much appreciated, these lines are.

  2. But you inspired others to do the same!


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