Mental wellness and the banana flower...
The work extension cannot be granted. I waited two days thinking that I would resume the pace and finish the work. That if I 'rested' that I could get back on track. Nights were okay. Slept good. Impotence. Impotence again. Realising something is wrong. Did not understand why on day 1 of the decline why I felt as though I had not slept. Thought of the day ahead, but notice that I was anxious, fidgety. Can't concentrate. Communicated with some people. Low functioning requirements. Realised I was doing a mundane task the wrong way. Stopped and thought of what I was doing. Body is paining. Thinking I need to go do the yoga but can't get down on the ground. Shoulder is paining again after a long time. The tools not working. Breathing,thinking one thing at a time. It is too early for them to work. I remember a man telling me, let this pass. You have to not fight, just wait it out. Wishing that I could be productive, while waiting 'it out'. Thinking I have...