Yellow pills and saying 'yes' after saying 'no'
I hit backspace over the lines I had written twice to say 'no' to the suggestion. I then reply to say okay, yes. It will be a nightmare to do but I am not too worked up about nightmares now. February is ending and March is going to be bizarre. I said yes to another thing I had intended to say no to because the mental preparation needed and the creativity were beyond me at the time I was asked. I said yes and messed up the first session but it doesn't bother me too much. I am staring at the emails in which I said no, a year ago , twice to another thing.. it will be big, requiring not only creativity but emotional energy to go back to a time I wanted to forget. A casual conversation.. and then I go back, and ask. 'can i say yes now' and the enthusiastic response makes me feel guilty that I had said no in the first place. I am itching still. The anti-fungal stuff is not working... now and then I take the anti-histamine but then I say to hell with it because I...