Chained by fear...
Wood slave on the computer screen completely ignoring me The young man said that people could talk all they want in the fora and workshops, but there a lot of people are frightened to speak out and that is why so much stuff happens. I am supposed to teach them advocacy skills soon and I am afraid of the difficulty because they do not really want to be advocates and you cannot teach courage really. The last few months, weeks, days I have been dealing with fear without dealing with it and as multiple layers of things start happening I realise that even with a big mouth and fingers quick to type.. so many things I am in fear of and I did not realise how much stress is brought about the anticipation of a frightening incident and the stress of also trying to say 'get that out of your mind.. no self-fulfilling prophecy'. I fear that I will not be able to find work as I have not been able to develop 'marketable' skills due to unplanned circumstances. I fear that I ...