taxpayer chutney widout rum
De lady at de door of de cultural centre look lil anxious. I mek sure ah ask she if ah dress arite. Ah had on a shirt, a pants and a mocassin. It tek me great pains to dress like dis. De lady say yeh.. de shirt arite, it doan have to go in meh pants. And dat tonite she letting up no de jeans. Chutney Final. National Cultural Centre. Dress Code sort of in effect. Admission Free. But I want to sit at the back. I friken to sit in front where people might recognise me an' well, I can't sit emotionless throughout 16 chutney song. I sit down and a man next to me seh.. wait, you was at de sex and gender show dis year? I aint know what to say. I say.. oh yes yes.. de film festival, he say yes dat was it. Sex and Gender show.. sound like a nice chutney ting. And I see two other friends. Dey decide to sit down at de back wid me too. 8pm or so. National Anthem. Not from Shakti Strings. And the 'War on Bad Manners' message c Shoots, ah mean.. .. And then MC Nazim ta...