AntivirusGy 12: Waiting for the birth of the bunch of bananas to eat the flower

"Lower the camera let me see.. no, you have to wait until the bananas come out.. then use the remaining flower" the man told. The man, vegan, has inspired me with his resilience, and his creativity in cooking.

Hot day. I see a splash of purple from the side of my eye. The backyard is almost wild. I don't know when the first banana suckers were planted. I like the sucker leaves though. I have only touched the suckers when needing the leaves to form the base of the bedi, the ritual space, when doing pujas.

Sometimes bananas have come up. I never watched though as the flowers turn to bananas, didn't realise that the beautiful purple/red oval shaped thing would turn into the bunch of fruit of a different colour.

The man told me had made his version of the 'vegan fish and chips'.  He used a blossom that was 'destined for a compost heap'. He cleaned the flower, peeled off the petals and pulled out the remaining filaments which did not birth into bananas.. then made his own batter, and fried.

He is a good fry man, a good cook.  I can't fry good, so I would have to resort to, well, curry.

And so, I am in the backyard, holding the laptop, positioning the camera.

Covid-19 and using the technology. Is nice to be downstairs in the yard, with the laptop. Of course it is nice to be downstairs in the yard without the laptop but well.. things die with me when I plant them.  And I don't want to walk around with the laptop and drop it.

But .. being in the green, talking to the man over the Internet, he in his living room, examining the banana flower in the back yard.

It is nice to see how the sucker leaves are holding up, all sizes and shapes.

"That flower looks small though, by the time all the petals fall off, you might not get much... "
But that is okay, I could try a lil bit first. Like the banana skin, also curried.

I am not sure what variety of bananas are coming out. I have never seen the green banana with the whitish petals at the tip.

I would not have seen this if Covid-19 didn't have me locked me in so much, and I didn't think it would be nice to take a walk in the yard while talking to the man who told me about eating the banana flower.

So now I am waiting on the bananas, and the flower which will 'be left at the tip of the bunch' .

(AntivirusGy is a collection of ramblings on things which have changed since Covid 19 entered our vocabulary)


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