Meditation on genip , guenip juice...

What do you do when you have genip that you don't want to eat because it too sour? You make juice... Climate change and it seems the genip tree got a bit confused. The owner of the tree said that one branch of the tree was loaded.. but "they not sweet, they juice, big.. a lot of double ones.." I ate some, and realised I could not eat more.. but I didn't want to throw them away. I went looking for recipes ,.. I remember somebody had pickle genip but I don't like to eat sour. I was wondering if to curry it with coconut milk as well.. anything or I also thought of some syrup thing but then I thought man, no more shugah. Found a cheerful recipe for genip juice . I used to wonder if there was a way to get the juice out of the genip without having to work your mouth and teeth. And while I don't like to eat sour, I like to drink it... And so.. I use the knife to cut the genip. New experience as I have never cut genip with anything but my teeth. It wa...