
Showing posts from February, 2006

Pseudo – intellectual posturing..

[From Weekender in February 2006] Last year October, Guyana Chronicle writer Ruel Johnson referred to SASOD' s efforts at organising a gay and lesbian film festival as 'pseudo-intellectual posturing'. That condemnation was interesting, since at the time SASOD did attempt to open up and also ground the discussions around gay and lesbian issues to people who do not read the letter columns of the newspapers. How do you feel about the level of intellectual stimulation in Guyana? How do you feel about having your own intellect stimulated (as opposed to other parts of your being/body)? Do you feel that there is enough objective conversations in Guyana? Do you view intellectual pursuits as 'elitist'? Or that they are beyond you? Do you feel that now you have finished school/University, you need a rest from thinking or being innovative? Guyana's dysfunction has resulted in a paucity of places for any kind of intellectual pursuit – rum shops aside. This however,...