Stoning the saints with flowers in Guyana 2023


Sinners and stones

Guyana 2023 and it seems any criticism of the PPP administration is met with stones of "illegitimacy", 'defunct', 'enemy' and 'why you didn't talk when..."

The  PPP responded to GHRA's criticism of the EITI debacle and the decision to go for electronic ID systems without engaging citizens. The response of  the PPP then used 'law' to say that the GHRA is 'defunct' and therefore should not be saying anything, and slurs like 'one man show' .

Another commentator who has never gotten personal with anyone in the PPP has to 'set the record straight'  when the PPP leadership does not respond to the issues he lays out without cussing anybody.

 In this time of Easter, imagining that the righteous in the PPP shout 'Those of you without sin should cast the first stone' , and then the PPP working hard to determine the sins of the critics and find stones rather than deal with the issues which the critics raised (or ignore them).

And at this time of Easter , is good to remember that other 'one man' show Jesus who then managed to get disciples and who was also declared illegitimate by the Government of the day. 

How does one get a "Certificate of Legitmacy'" from the PPP in order to criticise any of the PPP decisions?

Blocking and shutting down 

And so the PPP campaign to stone critics with the perceived sins rather than respond sensibly to issues  is also upheld by supporters. A young community leader comments on issues in his community and the PPP supporters accuse him of child sexual abuse. Others who are concerned keep silent lest the PPP expose their sins or make up sins.

The leadership of Guyana, democracy, which apparently means shutting down of critics, blocking them, rather than dealing sensibly and replying to the points made in criticisms. 

The tyranny of the majority in Guyana means that minority have to be careful how they speak.


 There are lessons emerging as the critics have not pelted back with stones but taken their time, labour to lay out their positions , and to provide evidence to support their concerns. 

But a once homophobic Rastafarian taught me a long time ago that while some people are entertained by a good cuss out and buse out, others might be silently observing and learning. And that stones could chase away people, while flowers on the other hand would not cause too much damage unless people have allergies.

The PPP pushes away and blocks off those they think have sinned against them not realising that every sinner also has a right to raise concerns . In the pelting arena, the sinners have to remember the flowers of reason, evidence- based knowledge, compassion and empathy.

And even as the 'saints' want ownership and controlling 'unity' and a silencing or blocking of the others who have sinned against them, there is that rare flower  remembering connection and saying to those who see you as enemies.. that 'we are not your enemies' .

Flowers though, don't last as long as stones.


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