Godfather, Godmother, Prosperity, Protest and One Guyana on a Wednesday..


"Buxton at it again" Sun is hot. The social media timelines in Guyana are full of the sound bytes from actress Letitia Wright - returning to Guyana after leaving as a child. Then the messages float up.. 'Buxton at it again.. ' and so on.  Some of the people sharing those messages were not sharing the admiration for Letitia Wright.  


300 to 400 citizens who remained in Guyana took to the East Coast Public Road on the day that UG conferred an honorary doctorate on Letitia Wright.

The citizens were reportedly upset that the Police fired shots in Buxton as they chased a man they suspected of having marijuana. Some of the citizens call the man  their Godfather.  

On the day that Baba Prezzy gave the framed birth certificate to her while  PNC leaders and supporters were expecting her outside City Hall, some of the citizens burned the truck which had transported rice. Some of the citizens who were blocking the road also robbed another citizen.

The President's time with Ms Wright apparently scheduled at the same time as the time with other citizens who support the PNC.

There are no other views from any of the 400 citizens or so who would have participated in the protest, or from the unnamed village leader who managed to calm things done. 

Baba Prezzy and his team would have passed Buxton on his way to Berbice to do more godfathering.  'Cynical obfuscation' is how another black Guyanese who remained in Guyana saw the protest which was switched on and off quickly, at a time when many Guyanese seemed united in their appreciation of Letitia Wright's presence. 

The Godfather though went to dispense gifts which are supposed to be obligations of his godchildren.  There have been no tyres burning at the injustice that the Godfather has to descend to fix things like finding medication and decent housing for an elderly visually impaired man. The Godfather apparently ordered the Regional Health Authorities to give the man his medication which he could not routinely get from the New Amsterdam Hospital.  

There are no reports that the Godfather is putting things in place to ensure that citizens do not have to wait on his driving over the ashes of  protests for public officials to honour the Constitutional rights.

Did the Godfather in Buxton (and elsewhere) do the same thing? Find medication and other things for people who cannot get them so as to inspire the kind of burning when the police were chasing him?

Godmother of Prosperity

Far away in Singapore. First Lady Arya Ali on the same day that the 300 to 400 citizens were burning tyres on the road, was becoming god mother to an Exxon oil ship called Prosperity. Former First Lady Sandra Granger had commissioned another ship Destiny. 

On the day that Guyana's First Lady was being hosted by Exxon for Prosperity, there is a report that the office of the husband of the First Lady of the United States was 'blasting Exxon for their record profits"

Exxon's Prosperity is being condemned by one of the custodians of American values of 'capitalism' because the White House because that prosperity has come at severe costs to Americans.

The PPP and other Guyanese seem to think that Exxon's prosperity will benefit all of us.

One Guyana? 

On Wednesday at the National Cultural Centre, the Prime Minister and religious leaders were launching Interfaith Harmony Week - far from the scenes of disharmony. 

The Prime Minister reportedly said "“We have committed to ensuring that there is no discrimination based on race, religion, gender or sexual orientation in our society. We have committed to fostering diversity and inclusiveness by sensitising our people about their importance." and he invoked the "One Guyana'. 

The Prime Minister did not speak about 'political affiliation'.  Is the 'no discrimination' and the access to prosperity only for those who become Godchildren of the Godfathering and Godmothering of the PPP?

And all of this on one Wednesday in Guyana.


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