"de killing will continue.. " mantalk from the bus driver, conductor (and Minister)


Man talk

Conductor shouts "Kitty" and I jump in front seat, say 'morning' to young driver. Black driver and coolie conductor and I take note because there are places apart from the PPP and the PNC where black men and coolie men work together in harmony and love.

Commotion at the back as conductor trying to full bus and ask a woman to move to another seat. Woman refuses as she and the commotion escalates with the conductor shouting about this 'big woman want mek problems.' My neck hurting so I don't turn back and I just listen.

 Driver muttering next to me as he driving and Christmas season road busy. The woman 'busing.. people in the bus muttering, laughing at some of the woman's insults, and comments about 'like she need spice'

 Woman reaches her stop. The bus fare and other words exchanged between her and the conductor.

 Woman has come out of the bus, but the driver and the conductor keep cussing the woman.

Young black man to the young coolie man '.. you should ha tell she she son does 'f..k' she.."

Passengers hearing.  Conductor replying ''She.. sk..t gat prablem..

killing will continue

Black Driver get louder' .. 'you doan wan disrespeck big woman but she sk.t want two slap"

Coolie conductor.. "yeah.. is that what she ' and similar exchanges

passengers muttering.. ,

I like a fool telling driver.. nah.. you could back down, you ain't gotta get lower in the gutter.. 

Driver says to me 'I got a friend who does seh doan tek no sk..t from no woman, he would ah done knack she sk..t.."  

I say.. yeah.. knack got knack back den wah.. and driver tells me "yeah dat is why de killing gun continue, it gun always gat killing"

 Driver sounding like PPP MP and leader Bheri Ramsarran who wanted to slap and strip a woman who tried to hold him accountable.  Other MPs and politicians , abusing women and talking about wanting to abuse women because no one would do them anything.

Driver talking about killing cant done as he avoids hitting a pickup which trying to jump a light.. the latent violence in him and on the road.

Conductor in the back cussing up the woman while taking on passengers and dropping off passengers. 

Baby I want that number

Driver then sees a girl with a phone in her hand  and stops the bus to lean out of the window.. 'baby i want that number, i want that number.. ".. something in the voice where the rage one woman is mixing with the desire for the girl ".. 'desire'..

 I say nothing..  because there is nothing to say here to a man who doing what many men do as normal.  Road busy and I don't want driver to crash while cussing me for being an anti-man.

Same day this happening in the minibus, in the Magistrate's Court another man promises to kill a woman 'when he comes out of jail'.  

Other men have done that. go to court, jail and come out and fulfilled promises to beat and kill the women who 'wronged them;  no punishment for threats though.. no reports of whether the Chief Magistrate order the man to go seek fellowship and counselling with Men on Mission or any of the other organisations who claim to want to help men who can't help themselves from abusing and killing women.

The parliament, the streets, the court, the minibuses .. coolie men and black men can unite,  fantasise, support the beating and abuse of women.

Things normal.


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