Maghmour on a rainy Sunday ....


5am Sunday morning and nice rain and bed is warm.  Tossing and turning thinking of the challenges now and the patient who is protesting at having the early morning sponge bath, I get up and try to add energies to not make it so bad..

come back to bed and thinking of the 'cheap' tomatoes and the baigan and making the maghmour

and not thinking of just lying down and reading or watching Hallmark Christmas movies and eating nuts and so..

because I have to get up ..

It has been awhile as tomatoes have not been at the price where they can be grated and put into a sauce but rather at the price to be eaten raw and slowly ..

Body feeling tense as difficult decisions had to be made and justified and trying to move instead to how to chunk up the baigan and put salt on it for a while. Write down sequence of ingredients because I could forget as I try to forget the other things which are present and immediate

Too much garlic ..

Slice up onions.. , chop tomatoes to grate them .. nice feel of smashing them  keeping skin as I am not going to waste anything.

Thinking of the 'spices' - recipe called for baharat seasoning but I have to make my own thing .. a lil whole geera in the oil, cinammon, not the nutmeg though because last time the nutmeg left a strange taste in the mix, 

Elaichi.. taking the pods out, and then opening some up and putting the seed. First time putting elaichi in a stew..

realising that some of the pods might have some bad seeds inside.. 

lil of the garam masala I bought for the first time, not too much as I not sure if is good. 

Lil turmeric powder just because..


wiri pepper. 

Try to have good vibes , rather than anxieties and the other emotions.

Nice smell. 

Simmer finish and then I remember the thyme and throw some in.

Wondering about peanut butter but thinking nah.. peanut butter and baigan is another thing from another part of the world.

Ready to eat.. 

rain falling so it get a bit cold even though steam was coming out of the carahee

the nice tomato thing, chewing the whole elaichi and swallowing husk one kind of. flavour 

 then next  mouthful piece ginger and piece wiri wiri. 

Channa and the baigan texture.

Patient call for me , rejecting the movement needed to avoid bed sores, for help which I cannot provide . 

I put down empty plate

I get up, go.... patient no longer needs me

I feel like a bit more of the stew, with a toasted piece  of grainy bread.

Grateful that I could make the stew eat it.  take picture of it to write about it.


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