Soft salara to manage the new moon...
"You want a bag?" the woman at Nedd's bakery asked , explaining is $600 for a bag of five but I bought three singles at $140 so as to reduce the likelihood that I would eat more than I should to satisfy the craving for the soft, sweet, melt in your mouth therapy
New Moon phase and body and mind and so managing the dark clouds and the different urges , the restlessness, the anxiousness, over thinking. Yoga routines and stretching and so helping a bit, healthy.
Nuts. Banana and milk; milo biscuit, pine tart, pine tart again.. MidWest Lemon biscuits..thinking hey, you are relapsing to the binge moods which are not good ... , thankful that I did buy condensed milk or ice cream to go with it all.
New challenges coming up, some delayed, some postponed. Remembering the salara from the journey to Berbice. "You have to go early, it finishes fast"but I had resisted going for about two months..
But then , midday sun and I thought yeah.. I deserve it..
And so go, come back. Put two in the fridge and feel good about myself. Take one, slice in two, ground peanut butter on it. Make a cup of tea out of loose tea leaves.. trying for the quantity.
Sometimes my tea plate has too much for the one cup of tea. So bit into the cotton wool and sip tea to make things last, to also not go and just finish the other two one time and dead happy if I was to dead that night. Tea finish, and two more bits of the salara to go. But is okay.
Next morning.. cut half, breakfast. Take time to eat. I had done the prayers and lil stretching and so on but in the new moon, the focus , meditation on coffee and salara lifted up the mood and then the new moon didn't seem too bad.
Or maybe the moon had already moved as I have not had any more since.
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