Mourn Guyana, not the Queen on Sept 19th


The teenage descendant of the enslaved has to go public about the abuse he is enduring in the school system from other descendants of the enslaved. 

The Queen is dead. Long live the legacy of the Kings and Queens of England in Guyana

The people complain about the koker door. No one bothers. It breaks. It is temporarily fixed. Temporary like how the indentured from India imagined themselves to be on the land. Old people talk about how the villages used to manage their own drains and kokers in the white people days. Bring back the white people days some say.

The Queen is dead. Long live the legacy of the Kings and Queens of England in Guyana

2022. Birth certificates, other certificates, passports.. difficult to obtain. The descendants of the enslaved and the indentured who manage these systems don't see any need to fix them. 

The Queen is dead. Long live the legacy of the Kings and Queens of England in Guyana

2022.  Suicide rates are among the highest in the world. There is no mental health support system in place. Therapy is available if you can afford it.

 The Queen is dead. Long live the legacy of the Kings and Queens of England in Guyana

 The Judge talks about the presence of alcohol in the violence he has to deal with. The University of Guyana sells alcohol to raise funds. Others think the alcohol industry is an example of successful enterprise in Guyana. Guyana uses rum as a proud national culture and rum and cricket and carnival are seen as good things.

The Queen is dead. Long live the legacy of the Kings and Queens of England in Guyana

People talk about when Georgetown was the Garden City when the white people ruled. The new royalty are determined to destroy the city rather than try to fix it.

The Queen is dead. Long live the legacy of the Kings and Queens of England in Guyana

Minibus driver says he has enough school children in the bus - they indisciplined. Other drivers are waiting for the school children.. liquor, drugs and so on will share. Music to reinforce the man over woman thing. Plenty cars on the roads as a sign of progress.

The Queen is dead. Long live the legacy of the Kings and Queens of England in Guyana 

In the week that the Queen dead, many children who don't make it to Queen's College feel sad, ashamed. There is only one good high school in Guyana. A bright young man who wants to teach at one of the bad schools is told he has to go to teach elsewhere at a school which is not bad. There are bad schools and good schools in Guyana. Children can leave school now without knowing to read or write.

The Queen is dead. Long live the legacy of the Kings and Queens of England in Guyana

One of the Kings of Guyana proclaims September 19th to mourn the death of the Queen of England. People know is foolishness. But they dare not tell him because they will get cuss out. In fact, you dare not question the Kings and Queens of Guyana or demand your rights as you get cuss out .

The Queen is dead. Long live the legacy of the Kings and Queens of England in Guyana


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