Meditation on chipping bora...


Deep breath. 

Inhale. Exhale 

There is a beautiful moon out. Nice sunsets. 

Thoughts are all over.

Body is paining in different parts. Things to be done. 

Bora to be cooked. 

I don't want to do this now. 

But like so many other things, I have no choice. 

Breathe and shift thoughts to the task. 

Cut the tops of each small bundle. Check the tips. 

Wash the bora, run the fingers down the length. Feel the bora. Breathe. Concentrate. 

Bora is piled up. 

Hands are relaxed. 

Bring mind down to the knife, the board. relax the shoulders on the exhale. 

Grateful for the bora and the things I can eat and do. 

Remembering the big orange moon and thinking I am one with the moon don't fight it. 

Now to take the time, ignore time. No hustle here to chip the bora. 

I am no chef, no expert. Move knife down, try to imagine similar lengths. 

Think of the other people who do this without thinking. Remembering the people in Suriname in the market using a small razor scalpel to slice the bora quickly while they were chatting. 

Bring the knife down slowly. Cut. Feel hands moving. 

Inhale, exhale.. moving with the knife in a way. Or maybe not. 

Trying not to think of the irony of the man who is seeking help to deal with an alcohol problem as there are condolences and tributes to one of the people who nurture the problem. 

Moon things. I can only work on the bora now. 

Some of the bora slips from the knife.. the physics of it all. Kinetic energy. Thinking of how things fall from hands and how my hands knock things over sometimes when I don't realise it.. like some kind of energy flowing through which goes sideways.

Remembering also to think good thoughts when cooking rather than stressful thoughts. 

Bowl is full.

 Bora is cut. Everything in place. 

Mind is okay.. I am one with the moon, lunacy and so. 

Inhale, hold, exhale


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