Warm comfort of the cold passion fruit, milk and water..

 "The session was therapeutic" is in my head as I rush home, bathe and clean skin and try to cleanse mind as the session was not meant to be 'therapeutic' but in these times.. what happens when the laptop does not connect to the projector even though it did in the test run and I was breathing through the mask and wondering whether the windows should have been open in the room instead of AC while paying attention to the objectives of the session.

Ice cream truck bell is ringing and I am feeling the cravings for milk, ice cream, sweet and resisting the cravings. I can't remember when I decided to mix cold milk, passion fruit and water to deal with those cravings.. something about the refreshing of the slight tang of the sour masked by the milk and thinking that it is not too much milk in case dairy would also cause slow dying like the sugar.

Whip up the passion fruit in some cold milk, not to break seeds as the mashed seeds cause bitterness while the whole seeds are 'good for you'.  Accepting that the session is over, nothing can be changed, the participants were happy.  

Glad that the passion fruit are okay too.. sometimes you cut one and there is nothing inside, sometimes it looks and feel ready on the outside and inside it lil green and other times there is the long lasting fragrance and taste.. 

Passion fruit seeds also good for the mind too they say..   



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