“Stop writing, sit yah backside down and write, buday.” by Gabrielle Mohamed

Sometimes it takes a village to foster a disciplined creative's mind.  We all wish to write new forms and lay the foundations for new, exciting concepts that are yet to grace the eyes of our aroused readers but are often lost in the planning phase.  As such, these inventive ideas are often buried in the graveyard of underdeveloped thoughts, the premature concept map never fully developed. 

Our inaction to write often forces our creative voices to shrink our uniqueness, to abandon our experimentation with the test subject of our ideas. To avoid this colony of graveyards, Mr. Daryll Andrew Goodchild, founder of the Guyanese Writers' Virtual Retreat has created a remedy for this self-harm of the creative writing process through a series of writing, sprint writing sessions.

Ever heard of a military workout course, yes, I'm sure you have, now have you ever experienced it? These writing sprints facilitated by Mr. Goddchild is as brutal as any workout camp, but the fruits of your sweat and sore fingers is the introduction of your first chapter.

Believe or not folks, the pressure to produce something unveils the smoke clouding your creative eye. Once this haze is removed, I guarantee you, the story of your hauntings will begin to unfold itself onto your page, if you're old school like me, or a screen.

Twenty minutes of intense sprinting writing allows us to resuscitate these dead ideas, followed by fifteen minutes to ultimately wrap up your piece.  Remember, I mentioned the village is required to foster a disciplined creatives mind, well this is the final piece of the puzzle to start writing, or rather continue writing. So, what are you waiting for?  Go, gather your support group folks, or better yet get yourself a writing village.

It's group therapy for writers through the face of a screen, the unheard voices of Guyana sharing their expertise, to help the other writer in the room. In the reading session of the sprint exercise, cultural exchanges in a  countrywide reality take place. From the dialect of art, we each give our understanding that helps to further the author's work.

Unlimited by form we explored new writing techniques, the forbidden themes that society refuses to tackle, and those genres, that we each avoid. Essentially, we took a leap of faith into the unknown to create that climax that our future readers require to be satisfied, your welcome by the way.

So, if you want to rediscover that voice within your creative mind,  you know what you have to do:

Stop writing, sit yah backside down and write, buday.

Gather your writing village and start your sprint sessions, your writing game is about to change.

Gabrielle Mohamed

(This is one of a series of reflections on the first Guyanese Writers' Virtual Retreat )

Feature image Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash


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