AntivirusGy 5: Facilitating the Zoom conversation about domestic violence

I look at the small video image of me on the laptop screen and I jump.  I see that I am sitting slumped in the chair with my hands on my head. I hear the voices from adults in my young days... "take your hand down from your head and sit up"..

I watch myself in the little video screen follow the instructions in my head. I am distracted for a few seconds from the voice being spoken by the screen with the red band around it

The young people agreed to participate in a Zoom conversation on prevention of domestic violence.  I agreed to facilitate online.  In face to face sessions, I would be alert to safety issues for the participants, in case anyone felt the need to disclose their personal experiences with violence. Building a safe environment usually involves some meeting, introductions, facial contact and cues, setting guidelines for the room. I check all the 'teaching' tips and so to get ready.

I would plan to speak for about 40 to 50% of the time, ensure there is interaction and activity and use different modes. 

Safe environment
I comb my hair, sit in front of a wall. Log in, make sure everything is ready. In face to face sessions , going to the room early, checking all arrangements, arranging room etc. Here , I wait.

The virtual background thing didn't work for me.  I put on video so people can see me. I think right, at least for introductions I can see the participants. But not so easy as some people did not use the video. And I did not want to impose. And I learn during the session that three people from one family were behind one of the black squares with the white writing of one name. 

But I hope they see me.  The logistics are that the owner of the Zoom account will manage the rooms, while I do the talking and so.  It is a weird out of control thing for me.. facilitators are usually in control of most things.  And people can see me, I can't see them.

I share hotline numbers (Ministry of Social Protection - 640-1011
Help & Shelter – 0910, 613-1758, 613-1811 227-3454 , 225-4731,
Suicide Prevention Helpline - 600-7896 or 623-4444 a) at the beginning of the session, during the session .
I encourage people to reach out if they are feeling the need to talk separately.  We do individual introductions and so.

Some people access the Chat feature, and put comments and questions. Some persons unmute their mics and talk.  In face to face interactions, I would encourage quiet people to talk say something. Here though, I am nervous about asking the people whose faces I cannot see to say anything.

The Breakout Rooms features seems to work well.  People talk in the small groups. It requires a bit of timing and management. Group work is working when I hear the collective buzz of voices, sometimes in argument , laughter and see animated faces. Here, I can only check in , but I feel intrusive.

People are using the Chat window. I am managing time, and so I move on to the next part. Trouble is, I see that some chats are still coming in related to the previous question and that people are still interested. I can't adapt quickly enough to do the going back, going forward thing.  In face to face, it would be easy to know when people are ready to move forward.

Next time, I will pay more attention and with the organising colleague, reflect on the responses on the chat from time to time.

As I do the presentation, share the screen, I feel as though I am talking to myself.  Most participants turn off the video, so I am not sure if people are bored, I can't get the visual cues. I keep asking, any questions and so on.

About 20 minutes in the session and I feel uncomfortable. I realise that I am sitting, rather than standing, pacing. I use the pacing and standing to be relaxed and calm, to ease my nervousness.
Here though I am feeling a slight claustrophobia, between wall and laptop screen, and even though I can look out my bedroom window and see outside. 

I tell the participants to stand up and stretch while I do the same. . I make sure to take off video and do the same (I don't want anyone to see the short pants with hole that I am wearing).

One active participant did say he was logging in from bed.

We ask people to give feedback. They said they enjoyed the conversation. One person advised to manage the chat window better and bring the interaction to voice.  I still don't see the faces of the people with whom I have spent the last hour or so as they give the feedback.

I get up and roll my shoulders, exhale, make a cup of tea.

I agree to do the second session. I am hoping that the virus is gone before then though and I can resume face to face mode.

(Antivirus Gy is a collection of ramblings on things which have changed since Covid 19 entered our vocabulary


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