AntivirusGy 4: Pursulane bhaji...

Conversation on Facebook with a man I have never met. . Conversations starts with the virus and end up foods we don't normally eat.  He has eaten scorpion and insects and so.. I thinking how to compete.

Yard and my hair in need of weeding.  Cracks in the concrete and this year, the pretty weed with the red stems and small leaves and yellow flowers growing.  Pursulane is good for you. There is a local name. I thought the name was karmi bhaji but karmi bhaji is the one which grows in the trench.

I imagine all the animals and so which have walked over the spread. The people say to wash it good.
 I pick some, different ages, some with the flowers.  I can't grow anything so is nice to pick things up from the yard to eat.

It has a nice smell. There is a  black dust that keeps coming off of the shoots and I get paranoid about dirt.

But the black dust particles are the seeds.

I eat some raw, clenching my body waiting in case I get some reaction. Nice leafy taste, would mix up nice in salad and so. Like some kinds of lettuce. The stem and flower and everything. I taste some more. Body  relax lil bit.

I am still nervous so I say arite, let me steam it lil bit, in case it still got any animal tracks on it.

It takes a lil while to strip off the leaves and to get the young stem.. Kind of like saijan leaves.

I wonder if cooking will destroy some of the super powers.
Steam it in some water, let it dry down. Amazing in that it does not really wilt down. It keeps the shape and colours. Seed, flower, leaf, stem.. everything!

I put some ginger on it.

The leafy tangy taste is gone. Different taste, with the ginger. And nice crunchy texture. Stems and everything.

I will wait and see if anything happens to me, and if I aint dead, then I will definitely make again.

(Antivirus Gy is a collection of ramblings on things which have changed since Covid 19 entered our vocabulary


  1. Hmmmm. Either that or you will live long long.
    From the link you included,it goes well with everything under the sun. So step out and go shop for ingredients-safely and socially distant of course.

    1. Yes.. i mean is only ice cream not there lol..

    2. For now it isn' could be the one to change that. Really tho, the fact that we are returning to natural things to fight back is a wake up call.


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